Friday, March 20, 2009

Nothing Much....

I wanted to quickly blog about....nothing really. There hasn't been a whole lot of activity going on. It has been quiet, almost too quiet on the adoption front. I am hopful that something will happen soon. This is not to say that I am expecting a referral before May or June, but, I would like to hear of some more referrals of little girls to keep my hope alive! I have prepared myself to miss the court closure (August-October). I had to. I didn't because I no longer have faith, I just have to protect my heart.

I have made a monumental mom decision for my boys. I have decided to send them to camp for a week. Under the circumstances, I hadn't made any plans, family or otherwise, for this summer, but, it is becoming sadly clear that our summer will more than likely be wide open. It will be great for them and of course, I know that they will have a fantastic time. Those of you who know me, know about my insane fear of water. I never thought that I would be able to let them go, but, I feel at peace with it. I am counting on them taking care of one another!

I do have a funny story that has nothing to do with anything....I was in a dinner meeting last night, a very formal meeting, where members are required to vote. I stood up, to get a pen from my purse behind me and I caught my heel and tripped, or should I say flew, into a MOVABLE wall behind me. It made a VERY LOUD noise and I wanted to crawl into a hole! Needless to say, that will not go down in history as one of my greatest moments!

Maybe I should name my daughter Grace! There might be too much irony in that though!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Baby Slings

I really wanted to share this website with everyone..... It is the website for a company in New Zealand (two moms) that make baby slings. This website is amazing! You get to pick out two colors for each sling. The slings are adorable and most importantly......WASHABLE!
A friend of mine and I were talking one day and I mentioned that I really wanted to find one of these baby slings that I see a lot of the adoptive mothers wearing in Ethiopia, it turns out her daughter-in-law has a business in New Zealand and she makes them. She has bragged and bragged in the past about what an amazing seamstress she is, but, I never knew that she made baby slings! It is amazing what occurs with friends in our lives!
The money is in New Zealand dollars, typically about 1/2 of the American dollar. So you can google money exchange it to figure out the exact exchange amount or count on about 1/2 the cost listed. Each is about $40 American dollar and that amount includes shipping.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monthly Check-In

Ken called AAI on Friday, March 6, 2009 for our once a month check-in on our families status and we heard that it could be approximately 2 more months before we receive a referral. That seems like a long time to wait, however, I have to keep in mind that I get a lifetime with her. The stress of this situation is compounded by the looming of the court closure that occurs from August- October. If a referral is given to us sooner than later, than our chances increase of getting her home before that closure.
Once I know who she is, I think that I will be able to use my nervous energy and anxiety for good...SHOPPING! I don't dare finish up her room because there are so many unanswered questions. How old she will be is the big one! We have requested a little girl between the ages of 0-48 months, which is a HUGE range when planning and decorating a room! Bed or crib? Changing table or desk?....big difference! And the all important clothes shopping. I am chomping at the bit to buy some pink clothes. I can hardly restrain myself, but, so far I have managed to maintain some self control.
So we wait. I will certainly continue to post as information trickles in.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


We have heard that some referrals have gone out today. This means that children have been matched with their forever families. This is VERY EXCITING! Although I don't know these families personally, I am genuinely thrilled for everyone who received their wonderful news today!
We also received news today that several families did not pass court. This means that their cases were heard, but, they did not pass. It is during "court" where your referred child legally becomes your child. Not that they aren't before that in your hearts, but, that is when the legal connection occurs. If you fail court, a new date is set. Lately the wait for a new court date has been LONG...there is rumor that a new judge has started in Ethiopia to shorten this wait. I haven't heard for sure whether or not this judge is hearing cases, but, things are certainly moving in the right direction.
Todays emotional roller coaster is a good window into the adoption process in general. It is full of ups and downs. Just when you think that you have a handle on it, it changes!